

2020-10-23 13:26:53 浏览次数:

..课题Chapter 2Our daily lifeSimple Present Tense一般现在时班级 Class 8; Grade 7授课者 一 .教学目标1.通过学习,使学生掌握一般现在时的第三人称单数动词加s 的规则;2.通过学习,使学生能够使用一般现在时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句来提问,并做出回答;3.通过本课的学习,帮助学生学会使用一般现在时来描述生活中的事件。二 .教学重点1.第三人称单数 s 的规则;2.一般现在时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的问法;三教学难点特殊疑问句的问法四 教学策略1.通过教师设计的各种语言交际活动(猜测游戏,问答游戏,合作对话,小组活动以及戏剧表演等),让全班都能大声开口说英语;2.采用任务型教学模式,分组比赛形式激发学生学习兴趣。利用分组讨论法,通过讨论,让学生做出推理与判断。3.课前让学生准备戏剧表演,教师做指导,学生从中体会团体合作带来的荣誉感和成就感。五教学活动过程Leading-in1.Warming-up Sing a song “Heal the world”together.2.Revision “My daily life ”Ask one student to report her daily life.Then the teacher asks Ss some questions about her report.3.Review the concept of the “Simple present tense”.Then give them two wrong sentences to correct.Task 1 Play a guessing game.Guess what he/she does every day by using Simple Present Tense.Task 2 Find out the rules how to add“s”or “es”to the verbs when the subject is the single third person.Discuss and give them a to fill in.1.大多数动词s 清辅音后读作 s; 浊辅音、元音后读作 z2.以 s/x/sh/ch 结尾的动词es读作 iz3.以辅音字母 y 结尾的动词把 y 改 i 加 es读作 z4.以元音字母 y 结尾的动词直接加 s读作 z5.部分以 o 结尾的动词直接加 s读作 z名词变复数 ,动词变单数的形式2以 ch,sh,s,x 结尾的名词在后面 .bus__a.名词变复数box__1 一般的名词 -------book_ egg__3以 o 结尾的名词 .;...Piano__ tomato__同之 4以 音字母加 y 尾的名 .Candy__1)一般的 read____5以元音字母加 y 结 day___boy___2 以 ch,sh,s,x 尾的 watch___6名 复数的不 化。

  Child________3)以 音字母加 o 尾的 go__4)以 音字母加 y 尾的 study__5 以元音字母加 y 尾的 say__b.如何 第三人称 数6 的不 化 .have______ 察名 复数和 第三人称 数的相Task 3 Brainstorm about the verbs.Ask the students to think of as many verbs as they can to match the rules.Task 4 Ask strange questions about families.To practice the General Questions 一般疑 句 .Ask the students to have a competition and do a ask-and-answer activity.1.Does your father come from the moon2.Do you often visit Yaoming3.Does your mother always go shopping in Africa4.Does your brother live in the sea5.Does your dog enjoy computer games6.Do you sell newspapers every night7.Does your uncle copy your homework8.Does your grandmother play basketball9.Do your parents have a child10.Does your aunt take a rocket to work every dayTask 5 PairworkPractice the Special Questions特殊疑 句 according to the ination.1.--Where does she always do after class -- She always reads books in the library.2.Where does she sometimes workShe sometimes shop in the supermarket.Task 6 “名人来了 ”This is the show time.Ask some groups of students to present their report cards about the famous person.They should use the Simple Present Tense to describe him/her.They can add pictures,songs,or actions to the perance to make it interesting.Summary Review what we have learnt today with the students.1.当主 是第三人称 数 ,如何加 -s/-es;eats,walks,runs,drives,catches,watches,brushes,washes,boxes,discusses,cries,flies,plays,goes,does2.一般 在 的 述句,一般疑 句和特殊疑 句She waters the flowers.一般疑 句 Does she water the flowers肯定回答;...Yes,she does.No,she doesnt.特殊疑问句What does she waterShe waters the flowers.Homework完成课本一般现在时的练习Page 21 -23;.
